Thursday, July 23, 2015

One Month Away!

"When you wish upon a star"...

..."anything your heart desires, will come to you".

It is truly starting to sink in that I will be moving to the Sunshine State here in just one month. I can hardly believe that the time has floated away. I can remember counting down from 150 days...100 days...80 days...and now 39 days until Check-In!?!? MAGICAL. That's about the only word I can use to describe the feeling.

My family and I have started talking about trips they are going to take to come and visit me, where they are going to stay, and what parks they want to visit...all I can look forward to, at this point, is my work location. OH! And meeting my roommates! These girls are the best. I SO hope we get to room together! We are going to attempt to do a Google Hangout tonight, so that we can all meet (online) for the first time! So far, we have just chatted through FaceBook! We are all very excited.

I've slowly...very very (very) slowly started to pack things for the program. I've made a few lists, but have yet to begin the loathsome job of putting things in boxes for easy transportation-nor have I even begun to lay out what goes IN those boxes. Let us hope these next 30-so days go by slowly. I am going to do my oh-so-very-best to pack lightly. That being said, my duck boots, a large chunk of my jewelry, and a lot of my super comfy fall/winter clothes all get left behind in the Big Blue. *sigh* Oh well, that leaves plenty of room in the closet for Mickey ears and princess tees! This is just too real.

I love reading other blogs and watching vlogs from past and current DCPers. They make my anticipation grow leaps and bounds. I have finally found some business wear and shoes for Traditions and my class. I'll upload those pics as I wear them when I'm down there. My focus was comfort>style (but I still had to have some factor of cuteness)!

The class I have signed up for is Experiential Learning. Since my plan is to one day become a teacher, I thought that this class was the best fit for me. They explore the adult education and apply theorists such as Jean Piaget (whom I have already studied). Though I will be doing middle school education, I hope this class will help me in my career, and I will be able to apply what I learn to my future profession.

So here I sit...waiting for August 31st. 

I hope you all have the most magical day EVER! 


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