Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Phone Interview

Oh boy! It's been quite some time since I posted.Anywho, its a SNOW DAY; that's right a snow day, and I'm in college. Those are rare. We have about 10" now, and it just keeps coming down. So while I'm "FROZEN" in my dorm room, I guess I will blog...

I guess I will share my phone interview experience with y'all. Let me just start by saying I filled my app out on Monday, and then did the WBI later that day. Late on Monday or early Tuesday (can't remember) I got an email inviting me to schedule my phone interview!! I was so excited, so I followed all the little links, and I wound up on a page that stated I had one day to choose from and three time slots. ALL PAST 9:00 p.m. So, being the early-to-bed gal that I am, I scheduled my phone interview for THAT Friday at 9:30 p.m. Whew.

The week was jammed full of homework, projects, and a test. I had VERY little time to prepare. What I did do, was make a few notes of some of the basics that my interviewer would probably ask me. All of these questions are pretty "classic Disney": Why do you want to work at Disney?, What are some of your strengths/weaknesses?, How would you make a guests day special?, My top roles, and a few questions I wanted to ask my interviewer. Again, those questions were questions I had read from other blogs/ gotten from a friend who had previously done DCP, etc.

So, while I did not have days upon days to prepare, let me remind you that I have been dreaming of this for my whole life (a year)...I have rehearsed every answer to every question (that might possibly be asked to me) in my head over and over and over again. Looking back, I think I was perfectly prepared in every way. I'll make a suggestions post later and tell you my opinion on gobs of notes plastered to the wall.

Anyways, one thing that helped me ALOT was my mom and a few of my relatives called me to do a mock interview. My great aunt even called and claimed she was Elsa; I got a kick out of that one! This was a great way for me to formally practice how I wanted to say my answers. Sure they sounded good in my head, but could I communicate that to my interviewer? I would strongly suggest this technique, plus it was fun!

On the day of my interview I was a total wreck. I was completely chill until dinner (6:00), and then it hit me: I am about to do the hardest part of the DCP process. I won't lie, it was hard for me to wait another 3 and a half hours. Right before 9:00, by roommates and I did the "Hot Dog" dance from Mickey Mouse Club House...okay not really! But we did do some dancing to 'shake off the jitters'.

9:00: I am in my dorm room, laptop in front of me (video camera on), notes in my lap, and Minnie Mouse ears on:)
9:05: I can barely stand it. I re-read through my notes...make a space for my interviewers name. Check my phone. 9:06. Ughhh
9:12: I can't take it...I get on FaceBook to calm my nerves. I go straight to the Disney College Program page for Fall/ Fall Advantage 2015. Someone had just finished their phone interview, it went great, their interviewer was BZZZZZZ BZZZZZZ. I look at my phone...Unknown. I breathe in. "Hello, this is Cullen!" And we're off (to Neverland?) Nahhh... We are off to a successful phone interview!
My interviewer was the sweetest lady. You could definitely tell she worked for the Mouse, let me tell you! This being my first phone interview, I was extremely nervous. Would it be friendly, formal, professional? I HAD NO IDEA. Once my interviewer started talking to me, though, I am telling you...it was like talking to a friend. Not an "OMG, that is so cute!" friend, but a casual friend who you could talk to for hours. She made me feel super comfortable (my legs were shaking so bad, because I was THAT nervous). Instead of moving from one question to the next, and making me feel rushed, she would talk to me about how I answered the question. She would say like "Yes, I totally know what you mean" and "Wow, that sounds super!". So, she made me feel like I was doing a good job, even if I wasn't. LOL!

She asked me a few of these questions:

- Have you ever lived in a dorm situation? How would handle a roommate situation in which there was an issue (cleaning, sleeping hours, etc.)?

- How would the Disney College Program help you?

- Are there any other job experiences you've had? What has been your favorite job experience? What has been the most challenging?

- Do you work better in groups or alone?

- Would you rather work in an outside or inside environment?

- How would you handle an emergency situation?

- What if you were in a situation where a guest spoke a different language than you?
*I should have made note that I spoke some Spanish here.

- What if a child was too short to ride a ride? What would you do?

- What is your experience with hair and makeup, cameras, life guarding?
* I really want BBB, so I should have told my interviewer that I have done prom makeup and formal hair and makeup for my friends...not that this counts as much as professional experience, but its more experience that I have that I should have told my interviewer.

There were a few other situation questions that my interviewer asked me, but these basically sum it up! I hope you have enjoyed reading this post/ I hope this is helpful for your phone interviews! It's a waiting game now...it could be tomorrow that I hear from Disney; it could be March. Oh the agony! LOL.

Hopefully, my next post is my acceptance and what that entails! If not, I am heading to Disney World for Spring Break here in a few weeks...so maybe what i am packing, what I look forward to doing, what my favorite things are at Disney, etc. Maybe BOTH posts! Oh boy!

See y'all real soon!

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