Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Hi everybody!

Well I am just a few short days away from leaving to go on vacation to the "Happiest Place on Earth", but I have even more exciting news!


I was accepted last Friday (February 27), and now that I think about it that was exactly one month from the date of my phone interview! Crazy. I know that the decision for hiring is completely random, but I just thought that was neat. Some applicants were accepted a week or less after their interview...that was hard for me to witness. I thought to myself that I was NEVER going to get in. I just prayed and prayed for God to give me patience, and for Him to give me faith to keep trusting that He has a plan for me. It was hard. I wanted to be accepted so badly, and to think that I might not be admitted into the program was disheartening. God showed me His plan for me though! DCP Fall 2015. 

So, I was driving home (by myself--I typically drive home with Blake (boyfriend)), and noticed I was low..very low on gas. My dad always tells me to leave my gas tank halfway full, so I knew I had to fill it up before I went home to see him! Haha :) So, I pull into Kroger and wait in line to get gas. I pull out my phone to text Blake to let him know that I am stopping for gas, and I notice I have some emails. It drives me nuts to see that red bubble with x amount of numbers in it, so I click on it to delete what I thought were going to be promotional emails from H&M and Paula's Choice...the typical let-down emails I had gotten in the past month. But, to my surprise there sat a glorious email from Walt Disney Recruitment...."Congratulations!"
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I won't lie to you and tell you that it didn't take everything I had in me to not let out a shriek right there in the Kroger gas lot. I did it. I was accepted. My first time applying, and I was accepted. I couldn't believe it. I read it over and over again until I came to my senses and had to pump gas. And let me just tell you that $25 worth of gas that I pumped was the slowest gas that I have ever pumped!!! I dialed Blake's number while I was pumping the gas, but after two rings I realized what I was doing. "NO!" I screamed to myself. "Tell them all tonight at dinner...tell them all at once" I thought. I hung up. He called me back, and I made up something along the lines of "I stopped for gas...just letting you know", and I hung up as quickly as I could, so he couldn't hear my voice on the verge of tears (excited tears). 

That night we were to go see my sister's boyfriend play basketball. We went out to dinner at what I thought was going to be a sit-down restaurant. Turns out we didn't have much time, and it was just a sandwich shop. I was NOT about to tell them there! On the way to the game I told my family about the cutest "Disney's Lost Princess" shirt that Blake got me to wear for our upcoming Disney trip. I then made a comment about how I doubt that they will sell that kind of cute shirt at the store I am going to work at in Disney in the fall! Everyone was silent. They didn't understand. I said "Did you hear what I said?" My sister said, " got in?" Mhmmmm :) My mom screamed and my dad laughed and gave a big grin. Blake smiled and said "Congratulations!!" (I didn't hear him that day, but he said later that he did tell me that in the car). 

So, I am so grateful for this new adventure God is leading me on. I have learned so many things so far. Patience and trusting in God are among them. My bible study today says that "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Proverbs 9:10. We are to trust God in every situation. We are not knowledgeable enough to make every decision for ourselves. Go to God in prayer about what you are struggling with, or what is burdening you. For me, I was struggling with the anticipation of Disney. God made it clear to me that He has a plan for me. Whether that was going to be Disney or school next semester, He would show me in HIS time (not mine). Remember: He knows all things. The past, present, and future. Look to Him to guide you through whatever situation you are going through. 

See y'all back here real soon!! 
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